Happiest of all birthday's to my favorite person in the world!
You did it Ruggie!
Congratulations on another successful year!
I am so proud of you for all the hard work and dedication you have put into building this beautiful life we get to share together.
Let's take a look at our past year together
We have shared so many wonderful moments together over this past year, all while navigating this new sober life and preparing for our exciting chapter ahead.
yum yums
In remembrance of
Celebrating the dog of many businesses!
I am so happy you and Ben got the chance to become good friends over the last few years. He loved and accepted you right away as part of our family. Sharing Ben's final years with you has touched my heart more than you will ever know.
The vump family
The love and compassion that you showed Vumps will forever warm my heart. Watching you change butt's diapers and wheel barrow him into rooms, made me certain that you would be a great father. Thank you for treating my dog like your own and really stepping up when we needed you the most.